
奶粉 Milk powder/Powdered milk 此外,“婴幼儿配方奶粉”的英语表达是baby formula/infant formula,指an artificial substitute for human breast milk, designed for infant consumption,能够替代母乳为婴儿生长与发育提供所需营养的一种人工食品;formula此处指a special nutritive mixture, esp. of milk, sugar, and water, in prescribed proportions for feeding a baby,为婴幼儿配制的特殊营养物质。 例:The dairy company at the heart of the scandal, Sanlu Group Co., is one of China's biggest producers of powdered milk. 丑闻中处于风口浪尖的三鹿集团是中国最大的奶粉生产商之一。 延伸平常所说的milk,是“牛奶”的统称,牛奶还可细分,如全脂奶、脱脂奶等,跟牛奶相关的产品称作乳制品。  ?乳制品 Dairy product/Milk product Dairy还可表示“牛奶场、乳品店”; 此外,dairying,乳制品业;dairy cattle /milk cows,奶牛;dairy maid,牛奶场女工;dairy man,牛奶场主、牛奶场男工、奶品商等。 例:Dairy products are the best source of calcium. 奶制品中钙含量丰富,是补钙的好来源。  ?污染乳、异味乳Tainted milk 例:China's chief quality supervisor resigned Monday in response to the tainted-milk scandal that has killed four infants, sickened nearly 6,300 and highlighted China's difficulties in overhauling its food safety system. 周一中国质监总局局长引咎辞职,此次“毒奶粉”事件造成四名婴儿死亡,六千多名患病,同时凸显了中国在改革食品安全体系方面的重重困难。  ?全脂牛奶 Whole milk ?低脂牛奶 Low-fat milk ?脱脂牛奶 Skimmed milk/Fat-free milk 例:Most grocery stores and dairies stock skimmed milk, along with low-fat and whole milk products. For people who are concerned about the amount of fat in their diets, skimmed milk is an excellent alternative to whole milk, although some people do not enjoy the flavor. 大多数杂货店和乳品店都出售脱脂牛奶,还有低脂和全脂牛奶产品。对于那些关心脂肪摄入量的人来说脱脂牛奶是全脂牛奶的完美替代品,虽然有些人觉得脱脂牛奶的味道不怎么样。  ?液态奶 Liquid milk 例:Tests show that 10% of the liquid milk supply has been contaminated with melamine, the chemical that has killed four infants and left thousands more ill. 有10%的液态奶已被检出含有三聚氰胺,该化学物质已导致4名婴儿死亡,另有上千名婴幼儿致病。 注:三聚氰胺(melamine)是一种低毒的化学物质,多用于生产塑料和肥料。由于其性纯白色、无味,掺杂进食物不易发现,因此常为造假者利用,通过三聚氰胺“增加”产品的蛋白质含量。长期摄入三聚氰胺可能对肾与膀胱产生影响,导致产生结石。目前患肾结石(kidney stones)的婴幼儿,主要是由于食用了含有大量三聚氰胺的三鹿牌婴幼儿配方奶粉引起的。  ?酸奶 Yogurt/Yoghurt 酸奶一般指用乳酸杆菌(lactobacillus)发酵的奶。乳酸菌是一种存在于人体内的益生菌,能够帮助消化,有助人体肠脏的健康,常添加在酸奶之内。 例:Eating yogurt and other foods laden with lactic acid may keep your gums from receding and teeth from falling out, Japanese researchers report. 日本研究人员称,吃酸奶等富含乳酸的食物能防止牙龈萎缩和牙齿脱落。  ?奶油 Cream ?奶油蛋糕为cream cake ?冰激凌为ice cream 例:Cream is a dairy product that is composed of the higher-butterfat layer skimmed from the top of milk before homogenization. 奶油是一种乳制品,提取自牛奶均化前第一层含脂量较高的部分。  ?奶酪 Cheese 例:When we strain milk through this thin cloth overnight, it makes excellent cheese. 如果将牛奶摊在薄布上脱整夜的水分,可以制出优质的奶酪。  ?炼乳 Condensed milk/Concentrated milk 例:Condensed milk, also known as sweetened condensed milk, is cow's milk from which water has been removed and to which sugar has been added, yielding a very thick, sweet product that can last for years without refrigeration if unopened. 炼乳,也称甜炼乳,是将牛奶进行脱水,加入糖,然后产生的一种浓稠的甜乳品,包装良好的情况下可长期储存。  ?奶昔 Milkshake 例:I'll have a cheese burger, french fries and a large chocolate milkshake, please. 我想要一个芝士汉堡包、一包薯条和一大杯巧克力奶昔。