那位大侠 帮写一个 老醋花生 做法的 英文版的? 非常感谢阿
Peanuts in Aged Vinegar老醋花生 主料:花生米 Main Ingredient: peanut辅料:生菜、香干Other ingredient: lettuce, dry bean curd 调料:香醋(镇江)、白糖、香油、酱油、小葱 Seasoning and spice: aged vinegar (from Zhenjiang), sugar, seasame oil, soy sauce, scallion制作方法: Procedures:1、将花生米油炸熟;Fry peanuts to well-done 2、将生菜洗净切丝、香干切丁、小葱切末;Wash lettuce and cut into julliens, dice dry bean-curd, mince scallion 3、取一器皿放入香醋、白糖、香油、酱油、小葱搅匀调成汁待用;Put aged vinegar, sugar, seasame oil, soy sauce, minced scallion into a contrainer and mix well 4、取一个喇叭形的碗,生菜丝、香干丁垫底,放上炸好的花生米,在倒入调好的汁拌均匀即可食用。Use a funnel shaped bowl (with smaller bottom than the edge), layer julliened lettuce and diced bean-curd at the bottom, layer fried peanuts on top, pour in mixed seasoning sauce, stir and mix well.注:如果这是准备给外国人看的,最好注明各种原料的量,像xxx盎司,xxx汤匙,xxx茶匙,xxx杯。。。