
Phoebe forgot to tell Joey about his audition time. Joey was very sad, so Phoebe pretended to be Joey's agent to help Joey get another chance. Ross finds out that his son Ben likes to play with Barbie dolls, which drives him crazy. But he often wore his mother's clothes when he was a child. Chandler is afraid of commitment again, but he is afraid of losing Janice. What will happen to them?




This wouldn't have to do with the fact that he's being raised by two women?

这跟他由两个女人抚养长大的事实 毫无关系吧。

But it seems to me it's pretty much like anything else. Face your fear.

You have a fear of heights? Go to the top of the building.

You're afraid of bugs.Get a bug.

You have a fear of commitment.So I say you go in there and you be the most committed guy there ever was.

So how come you wanted to eat in tonight?


I don't think we need to, because you're tripping me out right now.


this relationship's going too fast and we have to slow down .


If we ever did what you did , a man would never call.


I've literally never been this happy.
