
一位加拿大运动员- a Canadian athlete

举办美食节- hold a Food Festival

向我们老师求助- turn to our teacher

尽最大努力使之成功- try your best

制作奶油派- make Cream Pie

喜欢吃甜食- be partial to sweet foods

赚很多钱- make a lot of money

俄罗斯黑面包- Russian black bread (Russian Rye Sourdough俄罗斯黑麦酸面团面包)

制作海报- make posters

等一等(别挂电话)- HOLD ON

继续努力工作- keep on working hard

为了筹款- In order to raise money

学校设备(供给)- school supplies

全身湿透- be soaked through

使某人梦想成真- realize one's dream

把熟肉切细- shred the cooked meats

往锅里放些油- put some oil in the wok

立即把火腿切碎- mince the ham

往锅里倒入骨头汤,至七八成满- pour the bone soup into the wok to 70-80 percent

讨厌做饭- hate cooking

西方快餐的优点- advabtage og western fast food

带奶油的三明治- creamed sandwich

把面包加热一分钟- heat the bread for one minute

用匙喝汤- drink soup with spoon

了解西方餐桌礼仪- get to know western table manners

吃光盘子里的食品- eat up the food in your plate

为某人干杯- drink to sb.

喝一小口- take a sip of

不同的饮食习惯- different eating habits

第一次参加正式宴会-It is her first formal dinner party.

两道或两道以上的主菜- two main courses or more

在中国的南方- in the South of China

令所有客人满意- satisfy all the guests

出售- for sale

祝他们成功- wish them sucess

一张两人桌- a table for two

结账-pay one's bill

通过电话订餐- order meal by telephone

清凉饮料-cold drink

值得努力-Something worth striving for

水果沙拉-Fruit salad

不健康的食品-unhealthy food

保持均衡饮食-keep a balanced diet

有助于我们的骨骼生长-help keep our bones strong